Destructive Behavior

Managing Your Chihuahua’s Destructive Behavior

  Prepare to lose at least one good pair of shoes. Chihuahua puppies are endearing and curious, and they love to chew! Just like their human counterparts, Chihuahuas go through a teething stage and then, a little later on, an even more rambunctious “teenager” phase. These stages are an absolutely normal and healthy part of […]

Training A Chihuahua

How To Introduce The Crate To Your Chihuahua

Here’s a few tips on how to introduce the crate to your Chihuahua: Start slowly. Toss a treat into the crate, let your Chihuahua run in to get it and come out immediately. Praise and give her another treat. Get the Chihuahua interested in playing with a toy, then toss the toy into the crate. […]