Chihuahua Sports And Activities

How to Teach Your Chihuahua to Play Fetch

A ball is the absolute best toy, and classic “fetch” is one of the most enjoyable games you can play with your Chihuahua. Some Chihuahuas may need some extra encouragement. Start by playing indoors and throwing the ball only a few feet at first. Arm yourself with two or three balls, so that you can […]

Chihuahua Care

How Fit Is Your Chihuahua?

Beyond weight and diet, if your Chihuahua is sedentary, elderly, or has developed back or joint problems or any condition, such as hip dysplasia, get him checked before you embark on a fitness program. Most dogs can increase their activity levels without any problem, but particular activities sometimes need to be approached with caution or […]

Training A Chihuahua

How to House Train a Chihuahua

The worst mistake you can make in house training a Chihuahua is to call or drag your Chi over to an accident and scold her. Doing this does nothing to speed up her learning; it only teaches her not to come when you call her. In the case of collaring her and dragging her over […]

Socializing Chihuahua Dogs

Chihuahua Aggression Toward Other Dogs

You’re walking your Chihuahua on leash and another person approaches you with their dog, also on leash. Your Chihuahua hits the end of the leash, rears up on her hind legs, and begins lunging, snapping, barking, and snarling. What do you do? First, count your blessings that the other dog, which outweighs your dog by […]

Cool Chihuahua Tricks

Teach Your Chihuahua to Go to His Bed

When you want to answer the front door without your dog’s assistance and just want your Chihuahua to be elsewhere, it’s useful to teach him to go to his bed or crate and stay there for a few minutes. The challenge here is that you’ll be telling your dog to leave his place at the […]

Cool Chihuahua Tricks

Balancing a Treat on His Paw

Teach your Chihuahua to balance a treat on his paw and wait to eat it until he’s told he can. If you’ve got a Chihuahua with extra-good balance and excellent self-control, there are also some tips on how to teach the more difficult version of this trick. An accomplished dog may learn to balance a […]

Cool Chihuahua Tricks

Teach Your Chihuahua to Track a Scent Trail

Dogs use their noses over and above their other senses. Setting up a scent track activity for your Chihuahua will be a piece of cake. Lay a scent trail for your dog to follow with a payoff at the end. A scent trail needs setting up in advance, but don’t leave it more than ten […]

Cool Chihuahua Tricks

Teach Your Chihuahua to Find Hidden Treats

This exercise gives your Chihuahua the opportunity to find hidden treats in increasingly hard to access places. Instead of hiding treats around the room, you’re going to try a succession of upturned cups and bowls, boxes, and so on to test his ingenuity in actually accessing the treats. The simplest versions of this game don’t […]

Cool Chihuahua Tricks

Teach Your Chihuahua to Bring His Bowl

This exercise teaches your Chihuahua to bring his bowl to you at dinnertime. If you practice it before a mealtime, his motivation to learn will be much stronger. Make sure before you start that his bowl is one he can easily pick up, something made from light and sturdy molded plastic in a shape he […]