Bringing Home A Chihuahua

Different Household Dangers to Your Dog

There’s a list of different household dangers you need to be aware, before deciding to bring home a Chihuahua. These dangers can be: electrical cords, power cords to computers, squeeze-in spaces, dropped paper clips and push pins, rodent and roach poisons, kitty litter, teetering objects that could fall. You must be ever vigilant to watch […]

Bringing Home A Chihuahua

Keeping Your Chihuahua Safe from Chemicals

A simple way to keep your Chihuahua safe from chemicals stored in lower cabinet is to install door and drawer locks. These can be found inexpensively at any baby-supply store and are a good answer to those owning inquisitive, problem-solving Chihuahuas. These chemicals includes dishwashing liquids or detergents, wood polishers, floor cleansers or waxes, caustic […]