Cool Chihuahua Tricks

Wait and Let’s Go Basic Training

“Wait” and “Let’s Go” are basic training exercises for dogs. As with “Sit” and “Down”, if your Chihuahua already knows these exercises but in a slightly different form, don’t confuse him by reteaching them. Incorporate them into your daily teaching session using the cues and methods he knows.

Cool Chihuahua Tricks

The Basics of Sit and Down

It’s probable that “Sit and Down”, “Wait”, and “Let’s Go” were the first things you taught your Chihuahua – even if you used different cue words – but it’s good to build them into your routine along with games or tricks. It is better to make sure that your pet stays responsive and reacts promptly […]

Training A Chihuahua

Teaching Your Chihuahua Successfully

There’s certain rules you need to follow if you want to be successful at teaching your Chihuahua. Your dog won’t differentiate between exercises and play if he’s having fun. To make sure that your training time together is both enjoyable and useful, get into good habits and stick to them.

Dog Behavior Problems

How to Deal With a Toy Obsessed Dog

Is your Chihuahua obsessed over a certain toy? Sometimes a dog will become completely obsessed over a particular item, usually a toy. This isn’t the same as having a favorite toy that he enjoys carrying around and perhaps taking to bed with him, or being excited by a game of “Fetch” or football.

Bringing Home A Chihuahua

What Toys to Use With Your Chihuahua

What toys to use when playing with your Chihuahua? For many of the games and exercises, you’ll need some toys, preferably ones that your Chihuahua is already interested in. Whether he already has a box full of toys with plenty of favorites or prefers a found toy, such as an empty plastic bottle, most play […]

Cool Chihuahua Tricks

Playing With Toys. Take It.

Chihuahuas have limited options when it comes to carry something: they can hold things in their mouth or not at all. When playing with toys, “Take It” is the cue for your Chihuahua to take the toy from your hand and hold it in his mouth. Over time, you can extend it to encourage your […]

Cool Chihuahua Tricks

Treasure Hunt for Treats With Your Chi

A treasure hunt for treats with your Chi can make a popular break in between some serious training exercises. Limit the game to one room. Set it up before your daily session, shut the door, then take your dog there when he’s completed something difficult.

Cool Chihuahua Tricks

Play Dead And Roll Over

“Play Dead and Roll Over” is a party trick that is easy to teach your Chihuahua, who will be happy to show off in front of your friends. Its purpose is simply for him to do what you want him to do, in exchange for treats and praise, naturally.

Dog Behavior Problems

Dealing With Fearfulness in a Chihuahua

According to Chihuahua rescues, the number-one behavior problem they see with dogs coming into rescue is fearfulness. The level of a dog’s fear can range from pronounced cautiousness to such terror that it causes the release of its bladder and bowels.

Training A Chihuahua

Variety of Training Methods for Chihuahuas

There’s a variety of training methods you can choose from, when it comes to your Chihuahua.The question is which training method will fit the best for your little friend. Not only do dog owner temperaments and personalities differ, but so do dogs. Breed heritages differ, too.

Training A Chihuahua

Training your Chihuahua to Eliminate Indoors

Training your Chihuahua to eliminate indoors can be convenient if you live in a high-rise apartment or have a tiny or small dog. Puppies normally have to eliminate as soon as they wake, so rushing a puppy down fifteen flights to get outside is problematic.

Bringing Home A Chihuahua

Providing Your Chihuahua With Proper Toys

Just like children, Chihuahuas need toys. Dogs love to play, and Chihuahuas are no exception. From providing a proper outlet for chewing to thrilling your dog with an enticing squeak when they are pounced on, toys can be very important possessions.

Dog Behavior Problems

When Your Chihuahua Will Need to Relieve Herself

Knowing what kinds of things trigger a Chi’s need to relieve herself can help, too, in knowing whether you crate your Chihuahua or if you need to give her a quick walk. In general, Your Chihuahua will need to relieve herself at the following times:

Chihuahua Care

At Home Physical Exam for Your Chihuahua

How do you know when you need to bring your Chihuahua to the vet? One way is to do a quick at-home physical exam of your pet’s health. Start by checking out the top five visuals: energy, coat and skin quality, nail strength, eye brightness, and nose luster.