Dog Behavior Problems

How to Deal With a Toy Obsessed Dog

Is your Chihuahua obsessed over a certain toy? Sometimes a dog will become completely obsessed over a particular item, usually a toy. This isn’t the same as having a favorite toy that he enjoys carrying around and perhaps taking to bed with him, or being excited by a game of “Fetch” or football.

Dog Behavior Problems

Dealing With Fearfulness in a Chihuahua

According to Chihuahua rescues, the number-one behavior problem they see with dogs coming into rescue is fearfulness. The level of a dog’s fear can range from pronounced cautiousness to such terror that it causes the release of its bladder and bowels.

Dog Behavior Problems

When Your Chihuahua Will Need to Relieve Herself

Knowing what kinds of things trigger a Chi’s need to relieve herself can help, too, in knowing whether you crate your Chihuahua or if you need to give her a quick walk. In general, Your Chihuahua will need to relieve herself at the following times:

Dog Behavior Problems

How to Stop a Chihuahua From Running Away

Chihuahuas aren’t the worst breed when it comes to running away from every means of containment possible. They simply can’t scale fences, jump as high, or bite and pull as hard as many of the larger breeds. Chihuahuas are, however, very athletic, and they often exceed their owner’s estimations, making almost impossible to stop an […]

Destructive Behavior

How to Stop a Chihuahua From Digging and Chewing

Chihuahuas do enjoy hunting and chasing after little critters, such as the favored lizard. If a critter goes down a hole, the Chi may attempt to go after it by digging. Not having buckets for paws (as some breeds do), the Chihuahua is not very efficient at moving large amounts of earth in short periods […]

Dog Behavior Problems

How to Stop Biting, Jumping and Begging

It doesn’t matter that the Chihuahua puppy has a small mouth, she’s got teeth. And is able to bite quite hard. Before her milk teeth fall out and her adult teeth grow in, your Chihuahua’s teeth are quite sharp. Adding to your problem is the very nature of a puppy. These guys are very oral […]

Destructive Behavior

Managing Your Chihuahua’s Destructive Behavior

  Prepare to lose at least one good pair of shoes. Chihuahua puppies are endearing and curious, and they love to chew! Just like their human counterparts, Chihuahuas go through a teething stage and then, a little later on, an even more rambunctious “teenager” phase. These stages are an absolutely normal and healthy part of […]

Dealing With Dog Aggression

Possessive Aggression Over Food

  Food is the strongest driving force for animals in the natural world. Of course, most dogs are happy to munch on what their owner provides on a regular basis and occasionally supplement it with what they hunt (find around the house). Unfortunately, many puppies are not taught from day one that you have the […]

Dog Behavior Problems

Common Dog Handling Mistakes

  Avoiding common dog handling mistakes can make all the difference in the world to a dog’s life. By setting up the home properly and abiding by a few time-tested principles, you can prevent disharmony and ensure a loving partnership that benefits all. The following ten bad owner habits are common errors pet behaviorists often […]

Dog Behavior Problems

Dealing With Unwanted Dog Jumping

  There’s a few training methods you can use, to deal with unwanted dog jumping. Find below the most common methods, to correct this bad habit: Redirecting Unwanted Greetings If your dog loves retrieving games with toys or balls, take one with you to the park. For the first ten lessons, make sure the dog […]

Dog Behavior Problems

How To Stop A Dog From Jumping

  So how to stop a dog from jumping up at you or at your visitors? Dogs seems to be obsessed with face-to-face contact, wanting to lick and nudge our faces and mouths with theirs. This is rather like our preoccupation with shaking people’s hands when we meet them. Between dogs this is an important […]

Play Biting

How To Prevent Play Biting In Dogs

  There’s a few things you can do to prevent play biting in dogs. From day one, avoid playing any games that involve mouthing. If your puppy tries to solicit attention from you by play biting, ignore him. Just get up and walk away. Alternatively, take hold of the puppy by the scruff and say […]

Aggression Toward Other Dogs

How To Prevent Dog Attacks

  In this post we’re going to talk about some different techniques you can use to prevent dog attacks. Every park user, whether a human or a dog, has a right to go for a walk without being bothered by unsupervised or uncontrolled dogs. A dog coming wildly toward you might be friendly and have […]

Aggression Toward Other Dogs

How To Deal With An Aggressive Dog

  Here’s few general tips on how to deal with an aggressive dog in different situations: Don’t take a fear-aggressive dog to places where there is a high concentration of dogs, like dog clubs or play areas, if you’re trying to socialize it. This will increase your dog’s anxiety, not lessen it. Don’t use physical […]

Dealing With Dog Aggression

Why Is My Dog Aggressive?

  Many dog owners are asking the same question: why is my dog aggressive? Let’s look in more detail at the many factors that can contribute to or exacerbate aggression in dogs. Lack Of Socialization This cause of aggression is very common. It’s comes about because of poor socialization between six and twelve weeks of […]

Aggression Toward Other Dogs

Fear Aggression Toward Dogs

  Dogs that are aggressive toward other dogs, irrespective of sex, size, or breed, tend to be motivated by a sense of fear. Specific aggression toward dogs of the same gender usually tends to be of the dominant type and can be stimulated by competition coupled with a strong inherited drive to be in charge. […]

Aggression Toward People

Dog Aggression Toward Visitors

  Usually the main cause of dog aggressions toward visitors is based on fear, see them as a threat to their safety – they often feel trapped or view a visit as an intrusion on their territory. Dominant dogs often push forward to inspect or bite or nip the visitor; fear driven dogs can react […]

Dealing With Dog Aggression

Aggression In Dogs

  Preventing aggression in dogs is much easier than correcting it later on. There are many different reasons why puppies display aggressive behavior, but all aggressive dogs should be handled with the help of a professional. Aggression in dogs can occur when they trying to escape from a frightening situation. When puppies are not socialized […]

Aggression Toward People

Fear Aggression Toward People

  Though fear aggression can be inherited, it mostly occurs as a result of poor early socialization or an early trauma in puppyhood. Most fearful dogs become aggressive as they mature, though not all do. There are still too many breeders who do not like letting puppies go to other homes at seven or eight […]

Aggression Toward People

Dealing With Dominance Aggression

  In this post we will deal with dominance aggression displayed toward people since this is the most common problem in many households with dogs. Dogs are natural predators, and if not socialized and habituated to people and other dogs they can and do use many types of aggression to communicate their personality, mood, and […]

Dog Behavior Problems

Dog beds and crates

  Dog beds can provide your Chihuahua with soft, comfortable place to lie down. Until your puppy is house trained and past the chewing stage, however, you should place the dog bed in a common area of your home where you can supervise. You should not place the bed in the puppy’s crate. A dog […]

Dog Behavior Problems

Houselines And Yardlines

  In addition to a basic leash and a long leash, houselines and yardlines are essential puppy training tools. They allow an owner to easily gain control of their puppy without having to chase the puppy around. They are also useful for discouraging unwanted behavior, such as stopping a puppy from jumping up or from […]

Aggression Toward People

How To Stop Dog Aggression

  Now we have a better understanding of how and why some dogs behave in an aggressive manner toward people, we need to adopt a program to demote the problem dog psychologically, and at the same time implement practical training routines that quickly teach the dog that it will have to change if it wants […]

Aggression Toward People

House Obedience Training

  Few dog owners realize that obedience training should be practiced using a leash and collar in the home. The home is where many of the problems with dominant dogs crop up, yet people will happily go off to a club once a week to learn training and may even practice in the park, but […]

Separation Anxiety

Avoiding Separation Anxiety In Dogs

  Separation anxiety in dogs is probably one of the most common issues what many of us dealing with on a daily basis. But the easiest to understand. Of course, it would be great if we could be with our dogs all the time but in our modern world that’s impossible, and sooner or later […]

Separation Anxiety

General Causes Of Separation Anxiety

  This problem nearly always arises when a puppy is spoiled or not conditioned to accept an appropriate routine. As a youngster, it may have been allowed to sleep in its owner’s bedroom and received constant attention, or its cute and cuddly appearance may have attracted excessive fussing from visitors and family alike. The unwitting […]

Dealing With Barking

Preventing Excessive Barking

  For dogs barking is a natural form of communication. A dog would hardly be a dog if it didn’t bark sometimes. However, excessive barking can become a quite a big problem. There are several reasons for excessive barking or howling. Some owners encourage a puppy to bark, to develop his guarding ability. In other […]

Destructive Behavior

Chihuahua Chewing Problems

Dealing with Chihuahua chewing problems is probably the biggest challenge what most Chihuahua owners have to face with. If there’s one thing puppies are known for, it’s their ability to destroy expensive shoes in a matter of minutes. Chihuahuas chew for many reasons – teething, instinct and to explore new things around the house. You […]

Destructive Behavior

Why Are Some Dogs Destructive?

  Coming in to find your dog munching on your favorite slippers is not everyone’s idea of the ideal owner-dog relationship. Of course, from the dog’s point of view there’s nothing wrong with chewing tasty leather or soft material – it’s only natural to investigate objects by smell and taste, and anyway, it’s great fun. […]

Play Biting

How To Stop Puppy Biting

  Puppy biting is probably one of the most common behavior problems. For puppies, the best way to explore the world around them is to examine every new object by putting it in their mouths. Although nipping and mouthing is normal, young puppies may have difficulty controlling the strength of their bites, especially when they […]

Dealing With Dog Aggression

Preventing Possessive Behavior

  Have you ever seen a dog growl, freeze or snap to protect their food? Puppies learn this possessive behavior, also called resource guarding, when they are very young. Some puppies become assertive to protect their food and toys from their litter mates. Most puppies, however, don’t behave this way towards people. You can help […]

Dealing With Barking

Anxiety Related Barking

  Many dogs are over attached to their owners and appear to be incapable of spending time on their own. Use the following methods on such dogs to change their view of spending time alone. It is normal in human society for people to spend time alone. Wolf society is also pack-oriented, but wolves can […]

Dealing With Barking

Barking In The Car

  Most dogs love cars and all the accompanying excitement of going for a drive. They associate cars with fun-being with you, going on a hunt, a walk in the park. Riding in the car has all the visual stimulus of a hunt, with other dogs and animals flashing by. Dogs that express this excitement […]

Dog Related

Common Dog Related Questions

  Here we list a few common questions with answers to it, what most dog owners are having problem with. Some of these questions are related to different dog behavior issues, dog health issues and other general problems. How do I correct my puppy after an accident? You can’t. You need to correct him in […]

Separation Anxiety

Reducing Dependence

  If your puppy starts to cry when it’s alone in its pen, wait until silence occurs, then go in and make a mild fuss, but not too much, otherwise you may encourage separation anxiety. Don’t let the dog think that every time you come to its area it will be let out; sometimes leave […]

Dogs That Don’t Come On Command

Doorway Manners

  Teaching your dog good doorway manners can mean the difference between a pet who waits calmly to go outside and one who runs through every open door. A puppy that tries to escape when the door is opened can easily become lost or get hurt if he runs out into the street. Teaching your […]