Aggression Toward People

Dog Aggression Toward Visitors

  Usually the main cause of dog aggressions toward visitors is based on fear, see them as a threat to their safety – they often feel trapped or view a visit as an intrusion on their territory. Dominant dogs often push forward to inspect or bite or nip the visitor; fear driven dogs can react […]

Aggression Toward People

Fear Aggression Toward People

  Though fear aggression can be inherited, it mostly occurs as a result of poor early socialization or an early trauma in puppyhood. Most fearful dogs become aggressive as they mature, though not all do. There are still too many breeders who do not like letting puppies go to other homes at seven or eight […]

Aggression Toward People

Dealing With Dominance Aggression

  In this post we will deal with dominance aggression displayed toward people since this is the most common problem in many households with dogs. Dogs are natural predators, and if not socialized and habituated to people and other dogs they can and do use many types of aggression to communicate their personality, mood, and […]

Aggression Toward People

How To Stop Dog Aggression

  Now we have a better understanding of how and why some dogs behave in an aggressive manner toward people, we need to adopt a program to demote the problem dog psychologically, and at the same time implement practical training routines that quickly teach the dog that it will have to change if it wants […]

Aggression Toward People

House Obedience Training

  Few dog owners realize that obedience training should be practiced using a leash and collar in the home. The home is where many of the problems with dominant dogs crop up, yet people will happily go off to a club once a week to learn training and may even practice in the park, but […]