Grooming A Chihuahua

Coat Care For Chihuahuas

  Grooming your Chi’s coat daily is ideal, but if that isn’t possible, make three times a week the bare minimum. Caring for his coat gives you a chance to look for lumps and bruises, scratches and skin infections, and for signs of external parasites like fleas and ticks. Everything is easier to treat when […]

Grooming A Chihuahua

Dental Care For Chihuahuas

  It is very important to start your dog dental care as early as possible to avoid later complications such as gum disease. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), 80% of adult dogs develop gum disease by the time they’re 3 years old. That is outrageous and unnecessary. If you brush your Chihuahua’s […]

Grooming A Chihuahua

Cutting Dog Toenails

  A Chihuahua’s toenails are too long if they make clicking noises on the floor when he walks or touch the ground when he stands still. Dogs with long nails are forced to walk on the backs of their feet, leading to splayed toes and an awkward gait. When untrimmed for months, toenails and dewclaws […]

Grooming A Chihuahua

Bathing A Chihuahua

  Your Chihuahua seldom needs a bath if you brush him regularly. And that’s a good thing. Shampooing washes away the natural oils that moisturize his coat and skin, so bathe your Chi only when necessary- no more than once a month, unless he rolls in something smelly. Actually, many experts say, bathing Chihuahua puppies […]

Grooming A Chihuahua

Cleaning Your Chihuahua’s Ears

  Bath time is an excellent opportunity for ear cleaning, but it should not be the only time for this task. Unlike a human’s, the dog ear canal is L-shaped, creating a moist environment that is both difficult to properly clean and especially susceptible to infection. Ear problems are uncommon in Chihuahuas due to their […]