Socializing Chihuahua Dogs

Using Daycare For Your Dog

Whether you work full time and need regular daycare for your dog or you take a single vacation a year, you will need someone to look after your Chihuahua when you cannot. If you have a responsible friend or family member with whom you feel comfortable leaving your dog when you’re away, you might be […]

Socializing Chihuahua Dogs

Pros and Cons of Having Multiple Dogs

Having more than one dog can be a wonderful experience, but it’s not a perfect situation for everyone. Before you add a second (or third or fourth) Chihuahua to your canine pack, make sure you know the pros and cons of living with multiple dogs. What could be more fun than a pack of Chihuahuas? […]

Socializing Chihuahua Dogs

Chihuahua Aggression Toward Other Dogs

You’re walking your Chihuahua on leash and another person approaches you with their dog, also on leash. Your Chihuahua hits the end of the leash, rears up on her hind legs, and begins lunging, snapping, barking, and snarling. What do you do? First, count your blessings that the other dog, which outweighs your dog by […]

Socializing Chihuahua Dogs

Chihuahua With Other Chihuahuas

Chihuahuas love other Chihuahuas. Whether they’re long haired or short haired, if that dog is a Chihuahua, your Chihuahua is likely to want to engage her in some good old wild Chihuahua play. Introducing two Chis to each other is therefore rarely a problem. The Chihuahuas will want to sniff each other to check each […]

Socializing Chihuahua Dogs

Introducing a New Dog to Your Chihuahua

If you’ve purchased a new dog or adopted an adult rescue, you want  initially to introduce her to your Chihuahua, which should go as smoothly as possible. One of the best ways to introduce two dogs to each other is in neutral territory. For example, try to have the pair meet in a park or […]

Socializing Chihuahua Dogs

Chihuahuas and Other Pets

If you have other pets, they should also be included in your Chihuahua’s socialization program. If your Chihuahua is a puppy, begin socializing him to other species as young as possible. Puppies are far more willing to form friendships with other species. If these introductions are made during his intensive socialization period between 8 and […]

Socializing Chihuahua Dogs

Socialization Strategies for Your Chihuahua

Every dog has the instinctive potential to be fearful or aggressive, and situations will arise when fight or flight are the best options. This can be especially true if you happen to be the smallest individual in a particular encounter, which is generally the case for Chihuahuas. However, many Chihuahuas resort to these extreme reactions […]

Socializing Chihuahua Dogs

Reading Your Chihuahua Body Language

You can assume that your Chihuahua’s behavior has some sort of intention, as crazy as that might seem sometimes. Social behavior or signals that are directed at people or other dogs, with intention, is communication. Chihuahuas routinely communicate to their two-legged family members, using a range of signals, including playful, fearful, and aggressive communication. How […]

Socializing Chihuahua Dogs

Bonding With Your Chihuahua

  Bonding can be relaxing for both you and your Chihuahua. Chihuahuas love attention and body warmth, so holding your puppy in your lap is one of the better ways to bond with her. And she won’t mind if you read or watch television at the same time! While you’re holding your dog, you can […]

Socializing Chihuahua Dogs

Interpreting Dog Body Language

  If you pay attention to your dog’s body language, you soon find out how to read her needs and even predict her next moves. Your Chihuahua communicates through her facial expressions, using her ears, eyes, brows, lips, nose, and mouth. She also talks through her tail, coat (hackles), and body position, and she emits […]

Socializing Chihuahua Dogs

How To Overcome Fear In Your Dog

  Think of socialization as a game with two rules: Never pet your dog when she’s scared. Always praise your puppy for being brave. When you’re dealing with a scared dog, you’ll want to comfort her, but that’s a major mistake. Why? Because she interprets your pats and soothing words as praise. Anything a puppy […]

Socializing Chihuahua Dogs

Attending Puppy Kindergarten

  What’s more fun than watching a puppy play? Watching several puppies frolic together and then your Chi being invited to join in. This treat awaits you after your dog has been immunized and can safely attend puppy kindergarten. When your puppy is between 4 and 6 months old, she’s fully developed mentally but not […]