Bringing Home A Chihuahua

Avoiding Common Household Dangers to Your Chihuahua

Before bringing home a newly adopted Chihuahua, make sure that you lock away all the common household items that could present some dangers to your dog. Some of the necessary tasks of puppy-proofing a house or apartment are quite similar to those of expectant parents preparing their home for a baby’s arrival.

Like babies, young Chihuahuas are extraordinarily curious about the world around them, but they cannot discern an item of enjoyment from one of danger. For safety’s sake, you might want to pick up a baby gate. This item will come in handy for keeping your dog in a room that has been completely puppy-proofed whenever you need to be elsewhere.

The best time to begin preparations for your dog’s arrival is well in advance of homecoming day. If you and other family members are currently in the habit of kicking off your shoes when you get home and leaving them by the door, this is the time for a new routine.

Shoe leather can be especially useful for easing the pain of puppy teething, but a Nylabone is a less expensive and more appropriate teething toy.

Avoiding Small Objects

Like young children, puppies seem to predictably put everything into their mouths. Your Chihuahua puppy can swallow any small object left in his path, and many substances can cause serious injury, or even death.

Dangers lurk everywhere, from the contents of your garbage can to items you might never imagine would interest your dog. Paper clips, elastics, coins, even jewelry can choke your Chihuahua or end up in his digestive tract, and unless they pass completely through, your dog will need costly surgery to remove them. Keep wastebaskets behind closed doors or out of reach until you get a sense of your dog’s tendencies. It is a good idea to place any particularly dangerous items in an outdoor trashcan almost immediately. A dull razor that you or your spouse tossed away this morning could hurt your Chihuahua disastrously this afternoon.


Many of the same items that threaten human toddlers also pose a threat to your Chihuahua. If your home is among the many with Venetian blinds, be sure that the cords are tied securely out of reach of your dog. Just as the far too many children who have been strangled with these outer cords, your Chihuahua could fall victim to a similarly tragic accident. Also, beware of the inner cord that runs throughout the blind slats. Many people don’t realize that this part of the blind can also strangle a child or small animal.

Electrical Cords and Outlets

Make sure all electric cords are inaccessible to your Chihuahua. You may have to bundle long cords or tie them out of reach. Any unused electrical outlets should be covered. Use the individual plastic shields found in the baby section of any department store. Chihuahua puppies are remarkably quick little beings. You might think the only times for concern are those when you leave the room, but your pup can often grab any forbidden item that tempts him while you avert your eyes for mere seconds. You cannot rely on even the most careful supervision for keeping your dog safe; you must remove the dangers from his reach.


Some of the most common household dangers for dogs are plants. It is best to elevate all your plants well out of your dog’s reach. (Remember, this means your dog shouldn’t have access to them from any furniture item on which he is allowed to sit.) Even certain vegetable plants can be toxic to dogs. For example, the vines of tomato and spinach plants can make your dog sick—and even prove fatal in some instances.


Human medications can also be highly toxic to dogs. Never give your dog any human medication unless prescribed by your veterinarian. Common human painkillers such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and aspirin can be deadly to dogs—as can antidepressants, diet pills, and vitamins.

Get On Your Chihuahua’s Level

Finally, when you think you have covered all the bases, put yourself in your dog’s position—literally. Getting down on the floor and looking at a room from your Chihuahua’s perspective can reveal many things you may have missed, from any uncovered electrical outlets to items accidentally left under furniture. Unless you look for it, you might never notice that exposed nail on the underside of your sofa, but your Chihuahua could suffer a serious laceration by unknowingly crawling past it when his ball rolls under the couch.

Most dangerous items remain a threat regardless of your Chihuahua’s age. Many dogs outgrow behaviors such as chewing as they near adulthood, but some do not. Bringing an adult dog into your home requires the same level of vigilance against any potential threat to his health and safety. An individual dog’s behaviors will depend largely on his history; it is your job to protect him as he integrates into your household. An oversight as simple as forgetting to close an outside door could end in disaster.

Common Dangerous Household Items

Chemicals: antifreeze, fertilizers, plant foods, household cleaners, moth balls, potpourri oils.

Foods: alcoholic or caffeinated beverages, chocolate, onions, grapes and raisins, yeast dough.

Plants: azalea, geranium, mistletoe, oleander, philodendron, poinsettia.

Other items: craft items, dental floss, sponges, tinsel, toys with removable parts (such as eyes).

Remember, this is only a partial list. Ask your veterinarian for a more complete list of items that can be toxic to your dog. Treat your Chihuahua like you would an infant, keeping all chemicals and potential choking hazards out of reach.




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