Training A Chihuahua

Basic Training For Chihuahuas: Come, Sit and Stay.

Educating your Chihuahua can never begin too early or too late. With a very young puppy, train for even shorter time periods than you would an adult. The exercises every Chihuahua should eventually know are sit, down, stay, come, and heel. These exercises will be demonstrated with the help of a budding Chihuahua genius named Dinky.

First, you have to get Dinky’s attention. Say “Dinky, watch me”. When he looks in your direction, say “Good!” and give him a treat or other reward. Gradually require Dinky to look at you for longer and longer periods before rewarding him.

Teaching The “Come” Command

If your Chihuahua learns only one command, that command should be to come when called. Obeying could save his life. He probably already knows how to come. After all, he comes when called for dinner. You want him to respond to “Dinky, come” with that same enthusiasm. In other words, come should always be associated with good things.

Have a helper gently restrain Dinky while you back away and entice him until he is struggling to get to you. Then excitedly call “Dinky, come!” and turn and run away. Your helper should immediately release him. When Dinky catches you, give him a special reward. Always keep up a jolly attitude and make him feel lucky to be part of such a wonderful game.

Next let Dinky meander around. In the midst of his investigations, call, run backwards, and reward him when he runs to you. If Dinky ignores you, attach a light line to him and give him a very gentle tug to guide him to you immediately after you call. After a few repetitions, drop the long line, let him mosey around a bit, then call. If he begins to come, run away and let him chase you as part of the game. If he does not come, pick up the line and give a tug, then run away as usual.

As your Chihuahua becomes more reliable, you should begin to practice (still on the long line) in the presence of distractions. Hold onto his leash just in case the distractions prove too enticing.

Some dogs develop a habit of dancing around just out of your reach, considering your futile grabs to be another part of this wonderful game. You can prevent this by requiring Dinky to allow you to hold him by the collar before you reward him. Eventually, you may add sitting in front of you as part of the game. In an obedience trial, a dog must sit in front of you within touching distance in order to pass the recall exercise. Points are deducted for not sitting directly in front of you. In real life, however, you just want him to come!

Recall Rule. Never have your Chihuahua come to you and then scold him for something he’s done. In your dog’s mind you are scolding him for coming, not for any earlier misdeed.

Teaching The “Sit” Command

Sit is the prototypical dog command and with good reason. It’s a simple way to control your dog, and it’s easy. The simplest way to teach the sit is to hold a tidbit just above Dinky’s eye level while he is standing. Say “Dinky, sit,” and then move the tidbit toward him until it is slightly behind and above his eyes.

You may have to keep a hand on his rump to prevent him from jumping up. When he begins to look up and bend his hind legs, say “Good!” then offer the tidbit. Repeat this, requiring him to bend his legs more and more until he must be sitting before receiving the “Good!” and the reward. If Dinky backs up instead of sits down, place his rear against a wall while training.

Teaching The “Stay” Command

Many dogs have the dangerous habit of bolting through open doors. This can be especially dangerous for a little dog, which could be caught in a slamming door or encounter outdoor dangers once through the door. Teach your Chihuahua to sit and stay until given the release signal before walking through any door.

Have Dinky sit, then say “Stay” in a soothing voice. You can omit the dog’s name here because many dogs jump up in anticipation when they hear their name – the opposite of the goal of the stay. If he tries to get up or lie down, gently but instantly place him back into position. Work up to a few seconds, give a release word (“OK!”), praise, and reward. Next, step out (starting with your right foot), and turn to stand directly in front of Dinky while he stays. Staring into your dog’s eyes as if hypnotizing him to stay is tempting, but this really will have the opposite effect!

Staring is perceived by the dog as a threat. It can be intimidating, causing the dog to squirm out of position and come to you, his leader! Work up to longer times, but do not ask a young puppy to stay longer than 30 seconds. The object is not to push your dog to the limit but to let him succeed. Finally, practice with the dog on lead by the front door or in the car. For a reward, take Dinky for a walk.

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