Bringing Home A Chihuahua

Choosing Crates and Beds for Your Chihuahua

choosing crates and beds for your chihuahuaWhether you choose crate training or another method of house training for your Chihuahua, a crate is an incredibly useful and versatile item for most dog owners. For a Chihuahua owner, it is a handy method of transportation that helps keep your dog safe during travel, whether you are taking a quick ride in the car or going on vacation.

Since Chihuahuas are so intensely small, sleeping in his owner’s bed can be an extremely dangerous habit; a Chihuahua can suffer a serious injury from a fall from this height. You could also unknowingly roll onto the dog in the night, crushing or suffocating him.

With his portable size, your Chihuahua’s crate can easily be moved to your bedroom each night, so your dog can be with you, but still in his own safe environment. Folding crates such as those made by Nylabone have the added value and convenience of being easy to store away when not in use.

Many dogs use crates as their own personal refuge. The den instinct is so strong with most dogs that they consider their crate a haven away from noise, light, and occasionally even people and other animals. Many owners report that their dogs spend time regularly at their crates at various times throughout the day.

When a dog has no such place of his own, he will often seek out a less than ideal spot. A quiet corner of the room may be an acceptable place for your Chihuahua’s time alone, but many dogs seek out quarters behind or under furniture where electrical cords or other dangers may be lurking.

If your dog enjoys having a crate, he probably won’t need a separate dog bed, but it may be a thoughtful addition if you find your dog moving from room to room with you throughout your day, as so many Chihuahuas do. A soft bed is also a nice idea if you have tile or hardwood floors in your home. Long coat Chihuahuas may enjoy the cool feeling of a bare floor on their bellies, but a short coat will undoubtedly prefer the coziness of a warm bed.

Since Chihuahuas are so compact themselves, having one or more extra beds won’t take up a lot of space in your home. In fact, if you find that most dog beds are bigger than necessary, another  practical option is a single-level kitty condo. With prices comparable to most dog beds, smaller versions of these carpet-covered enclosures made primarily for cats can provide your Chihuahua with a den-like environment similar to his crate.

Choosing Clothes

Your Chihuahua will also need a warm sweater if you live in a cold climate. To find your Chihuahua’s sweater size, measure the dog from collar to tail. If you have any trouble finding a small enough garment at your local pet supply store, a quick internet search should yield numerous online retailers, including many that offer hand-knit custom designs.

You can even find websites with instructions on how to knit one yourself. Also available are waterproof raincoats and boots for dogs that especially dislike getting wet while doing their outdoor business.

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