Dog Related

Common Dog Related Questions


Here we list a few common questions with answers to it, what most dog owners are having problem with. Some of these questions are related to different dog behavior issues, dog health issues and other general problems.

How do I correct my puppy after an accident?

You can’t. You need to correct him in the middle of one. Remember, dogs understand immediate cause and effect. A puppy won’t connect an earlier mistake with punishment later. When you catch him peeing indoors, startle him using a sharp sound. Then, when he stops, take him outside to finish his business. Over time, he’ll get the message.

How do I stop him from mouthing me?

When he starts, gently wrap one hand around his muzzle to close it. And say “No.” Try to keep your voice quiet and even. Repeating this gentle action should teach your pup it’s not acceptable to mouth you. Mouthing everything in sight is how puppies explore, communicate and discover how hard they can bite. It’s natural, but you don’t want it to become the norm.

Do puppies teethe?

Yes. At 4 to 6 months, puppies are shedding their milk teeth for adult ones. And just like babies, they need to gnaw to soothe the pain. Invest in a few soft teething toys.

How do I know if she’s too fat?

Believe it or not, touching your dog is the best way to judge whether she’s under – or overfed. Feel your dog to locate ribs, spinal column, the pelvic wings in back. All of these should be easy to feel, but not bony or visibly sticking out through his animal’s skin. Ideal padding is 3 on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 signaling she’s dangerously thin; a score of 5 is obese.

Are there any wrong names for my puppy?

Yes. Names that are too long (three or more syllables) and ones that rhyme with commands, like Kit, are no good. Especially for puppies who are learning to communicate with you, it’s best to avoid confusing and unnecessary sounds. Longer names can actually make it harder for you to communicate with your dog, since they may also be hard for the puppy to recognize or understand.

Dogs learn a name only to the extent that they learn to associate it with your desire for their attention. The best are two syllables max, and easy for you and the puppy to understand.

On walks, is it normal to stop at every hydrant and tree?

Yes. In the wild, puppies begin to pick scent posts outside of their den at about 6 or 7 weeks old. But you can curb this behavior by structuring the puppy’s walk. Depending on his size, have him walk as close to your side as possible for the first 10 minutes – no sniffing or peeing. Then give him 10 minutes to explore and pee. Follow that with 10 or 15 more minutes of straight walking. Then give him five more minutes to pee, and so on.

Make sure to end the walk with your dog following you. Stick to this routine every day for at least one or two months until he understands  the concept.

Why is my dog eating poop, and how can I stop it?

There are two reasons a dog engages in this type of behavior. The most typical is that she is bored, which means she needs more activities matched to her breed or energy level. The other explanation is that her diet lacks certain nutrients important for her overall health. You want to rule out the nutrition problem right away by consulting your vet.

My puppy humps his toys. Is that normal, so young?

Sure. Dogs mature rapidly. By his first birthday, your pup’s growth matches that of a human teenager. So, for puppies, some degree of sex-play development is apparent at about six weeks. At this stage, though, it’s an act of dominance, not actual mating. So gently discourage it, especially when your puppy targets adult dogs, children or you.

I adopted a purebred. Then I heard about the special problems they can have. What are they? Should I worry?

They are real and biological, and caused by bad breeding practices. That’s why it’s best to ask the shelter or breeder for details of your dog’s parentage before you commit. Signs of inbreeding range from vicious, unprovoked behavior – coming on a bit like a panic attack – which can’t be trained out of the animal to breathing and bone problems.

My once-bold puppy now seems to fear everything. What gives?

Fearful periods are normal stages of puppy development, occurring first in the time before you acquired your puppy at around

4 to 6 weeks, and again in her juvenile stage, when she’s 12 to 14 weeks. Stick to your training routine and it will pass. Like a moody child, your dog may even show fear around things she was fine with just weeks before. Patience and a continued commitment to training will get you through.

My pup doesn’t look well, and he’s due for his first shots. Do we keep the appointment?

No shots, until you know he’s feeling better. But definitely visit the vet. Immediately! Have your puppy checked out, and get professional help getting him well.

I know vaccines save lives. But are there any risks to giving my pup so many shots?

Immunizations are an important part of maintaining a dog’s health. But there can be side effects. Some dogs experience an allergic reaction, which is signaled by a minor, temporary drop in their energy or a seizure. Discuss your concerns with your vet, who can schedule a different vaccination schedule so your dog’s immune system is not overwhelmed.

I thought dogs wouldn’t pee where they sleep. But my pup wets her crate. Why?

This is a common problem for puppies from pet shops where they were forced to relieve themselves in their cages. Your dog has lost her natural inhibitions about soiling her bed. Crate training sadly won’t work for these dogs.

He’s not tired, so why is my puppy yawning?

Dogs yawn to calm themselves during times of stress. So if your dog is yawning, say, while you train her, it means she’s trying to cope and wants you to calm down too. The message is the same if she’s blinking, sneezing, scratching at her collar or looking away, too.

Can’t he sleep in my bed? He’s so cute!

Dogs don’t sleep with their leaders. They sleep with siblings-their equals. Your pup needs to respect and follow you, so speak her language. The bedroom is OK; your bed is not.

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