Dog Behavior Problems

Dealing With Fearfulness in a Chihuahua

According to Chihuahua rescues, the number-one behavior problem they see with dogs coming into rescue is fearfulness. The level of a dog’s fear can range from pronounced cautiousness to such terror that it causes the release of its bladder and bowels.

Fearful Chihuahuas are also the number-one cause of dog bites. As most people incorrectly assume, most dog bites are not the result of a confrontation with an aggressive, dominant dog. Fear biting occurs when a frightened dog is put in a situation in which she feels she is being confronted with a life-threatening danger and has nowhere to escape.

This could happen in even an innocuous situation, such as a Chi that is on leash with an owner who is trying to get her to stand still for a little girl to pet her. As the Chi sees it, she has no escape (the leash and her owner are holding her), and she is facing a life-threatening danger(the little girl).

Signs of fearfulness include a tucked-under tail, ears flattened against the neck, slight crouching, shaking, hiding behind owner, and attempts to run away. In extreme cases, a dog may urinate or defecate or may bite in self defense.

Fear can originate in the Chi’s genetics and be exacerbated by her upbringing (her experiences or lack thereof with people and dogs).

In a Chihuahua that has the genetics to be a very outgoing dog, fearfulness can stem from abuse, neglect, and lack of socialization. As you can see, the way the Chihuahua is raised has a great impact on how outgoing she will become as an adult.

So, if you own a Chi puppy, you have a tremendous influence on the outcome of her temperament, whether she is genetically predisposed to be fearful or not.

If you own a rescued Chihuahua that is fearful, she is not a lost cause! You can do a lot to help your Chi overcome many if not most of her fears. For both pups and adults, the way to pull a shy dog out of her shell(or to prevent a pup from becoming shy) is through socialization.

Recognizing “Pancaking”

Chihuahuas do have to worry about predators. Hawks, owls, and other large birds of prey can easily swoop down and carry off a puppy or adult Chi. Perhaps as a result of the breed’s early ancestry and the necessity for self-preservation, the Chihuahua has a unique reaction to certain sudden overhead movements.

Pancaking, as Chi owners call it, is when a Chihuahua literally flattens herself on the ground. A large shadow passing overhead or the slightest sound in the trees can trigger this defensive reaction. If a Chihuahua pancakes from time to time, it does not mean she is timid, shy, or fearful. This is a natural reaction.


If you find your Chihuahua pancakes frequently for nonthreatening movements (the ceiling fan) or sounds (a jet overhead), you can help her recognize these things are not dangerous through one of the following training techniques:

  • Do nothing. Dogs will take their lead from their humans. If the sound or movement doesn’t scare you, and you don’t react to your Chi’s pancaking, over time the dog will often realize there’s nothing to be afraid of.
  • Reward good behavior. Find your Chi’s comfort zone (the distance away from the object at which the Chihuahua remains calm) and reward good, calm behavior. Work in inches toward the object and continue to reward good behavior.
  • Desensitize your dog. If your Chi pancakes for a particular sound, such as when a jet passes overhead, you may find you have success in eliminating this behavior by playing a tape of jets (softly at first) over and over again until your Chi becomes accustomed to the sound.

Do Not Comfort Your Chi

The one thing you do not want to do is scoop up your Chihuahua in your arms and comfort her – no matter how badly her pancaking pulls on your heartstrings.

Comforting a dog when she is frightened will only make her reaction worse the next time. Why? Because your Chi sees your hugging and cooing as a reward for her behavior, thus reinforcing the exact behavior you want to eliminate.

Dealing With Fearfulness

If you are dealing with a young Chihuahua puppy that is already showing signs of being truly fearful of strangers and not the least bit curious about people, even within a reasonable comfort zone, your Chihuahua probably has the genetics to be fearful.

If you have adopted an adult Chihuahua that is timid and shy, there’s no real way of knowing whether your Chihuahua’s fearfulness is inherited or has been shaped by her environment.

Whether you are working with a naturally shy or well socialized puppy or dog, your approach to socialization will be basically the same. With the fearful Chi, it will just take more dedication on your part to continue working with your Chihuahua.

What Is a Timid or Shy Dog?

Though the Chihuahua is loving, devoted, and impish at times with those she knows well, this is not a breed that by nature is an outgoing, gregarious creature with strangers. She is much more likely to want to watch anyone unfamiliar from a distance and make her own approach on her own terms when she feels comfortable.

With a breed that has a tendency to be a little wary, it is particularly important to work on socializing your Chihuahua.

A puppy or adult dog that is not exposed to lots of friendly people will only become more and more reclusive. Even a well-adjusted Chi that was well socialized as a puppy can become increasingly suspicious of people if an effort is not made to continually introduce her to friendly strangers throughout her life.

Socialization Is the Key

As a Chihuahua owner, you need to realize that socialization is not a one-shot deal; it is a process that begins when a puppy is whelped and that continues throughout the dog’s life.

The well socialized, friendly Chihuahua will warm up to strangers quickly and should allow herself to be stroked and offered treats by friendly people. She should not cower, tremble, shake or bark, snap, or charge aggressively at people.

So given that the Chihuahua is a breed that is prone to be satndoffish initially with strangers, how can you tell if your Chi is truly a timid or shy dog by nature, or whether she has simply not had enough socialization?

Learn more about Socializing Chihuahuas

Dealing With Fearfulness in a Chihuahua was last modified: by

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