Bringing Home A Chihuahua

Is Chihuahua Suitable to Your Lifestyle

Although this breed is highly adaptable, one thing to which a Chihuahua should not have to adjust is being alone for extended periods of time. Does this mean you are not a suitable Chihuahua owner if you work? Certainly not. For most people work is a necessary part of life. Americans work more than anyone in the industrialized world, and yet more than 40 million American households include dogs. Although the most common, work isn’t the only reason we have for not being home much.

Our busy lives may be filled with everything from the respites of dining out and taking in movies to the mundane business of running errands. Whether it’s work or personal, however, leaving a Chihuahua alone at length too frequently is neither fair nor practical.

Some breeds might tolerate being left to fend for themselves relatively well, but the Chihuahua is not one of them. If left alone too long repeatedly, a Chihuahua will likely experience separation anxiety, a problem that can manifest itself in any number of unpleasant ways, including excessive barking and howling, destructive chewing, and even soiling of the house.

One way to minimize these behaviors is providing your Chihuahua with a special toy before you leave – preferably one that you have rubbed with you hands, infusing the item with your scent. Be sure to say goodbye, as this can help build your dog’s comfort and confidence, but refrain from prolonging the process. This will only increase your Chihuahua’s anxiety about your imminent departure.

Preventing the problem entirely is best by making sure your Chihuahua is alone for long periods of time as seldom as possible. A good rule is to never leave your dog alone for more than four hours without giving him a chance to relieve himself. Small dogs have small bladders!

One strategy for making sure your Chihuahua is receiving adequate attention, even if you are away from home most of the day, is to spend some time together before you leave. Setting your alarm just fifteen minutes early can provide the two of you, with enough opportunity for a short walk or a rousing indoor play session each morning.

Dogs love to nap after energetic activities, and what better time for this non-activity than when you need to be elsewhere?

In addition to providing your Chihuahua with regular walks for the purpose of elimination, try to give your dog a recreational outing at least once a week. It doesn’t have to be a big production. Just getting out to the park or the pet store (outside his normal four walls) will help ease the monotony of being a housedog for five or more days a week.

Whether visiting a friend or returning a movie to the video store, allowing your Chihuahua to simply tag along is a fun way to show your dog how much you value his company. For your dog’s safety, though, never leave your Chihuahua unattended in your vehicle.

Rules for Children and Chihuahuas

Above and beyond the universal rules for the interaction of dogs and children, there are some special things to consider when the dog is a Chihuahua:

  • Never leave a child with a Chihuahua unsupervised.
  • The most important word to teach your child is gentle, gentle, gentle! The child must understand that no matter how cute they are, Chihuahuas are not toys.
  • Only allow a child to hold your dog when the child is sitting firmly on the floor. (The couch doesn’t count!) Under no circumstance should the dog be picked up or carried by a child.
  • Teach your child to stay out of the Chihuahua’s face. This is a good rule with any dog, but a closely approaching child can easily frighten a small dog, and frightened dogs tend to mop or bite in order to protect themselves.
  • Look before you sit! This is a good rule for all family members, but children may need extra reminding, as Chihuahuas can easily hide behind pillows, stuffed animals —virtually anything.
  • Keep food at the table. While parents often encourage their children to share, this is one time when it can be a bad thing. Many human treats like chocolate, which is toxic to all dogs, are especially dangerous for smaller breeds. To avoid the possibility of accidental poisoning, keep all food where you can supervise its consumption.
  • Whenever appropriate, involve your child with the care of your Chihuahua. Teaching your child about brushing, feeding, and walking your dog—es well as gentle play—will also teach your Chihuahua that children can be enjoyable companions.


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