Bringing Home A Chihuahua

Shopping List for Chihuahuas

You can save money by purchasing the right Chihuahua supplies. Shopping for your puppy’s supplies in advance gives you an opportunity to compare prices and select the right size or design. Online retailers usually offer the most competitive prices and the largest selection. However, it can be tricky to correctly estimate the proper size of crates and collars if you are not quite sure.

Collar: A nylon or leather collar in 3/8 %- inch width and six to nine inches in length will fit most puppies. He should not be able to slip his head out of a properly fitting collar (or get his foot caught inside of it). You should be able to slip a finger between the collar and his neck.
Make sure there are no seams or rough edges that might irritate skin or catch in his hair. The collar should be fitted with a small ID tag in proportion to the size of the puppy.

Harness: Look for a nylon or leather 3/8-inch-width step-in harness that does not encircle the neck. It should fit snugly around his chest and behind the elbows without chafing.

Leash: Nylon or leather, 1/8 to 3/8 inch in width and five to six feet in length. Retractable leads are too large and heavy for a Chihuahua and far too long to permit safe supervision.

Crate: A small plastic airline-approved travel kennel. Ensure that the door latch is sturdy. You can also purchase a fitted crate cover for protection from drafts.

Portable folding exercise pen: 36-inch height, either stainless steel or epoxy-coated finish to prevent rusting.

Housetraining pads and cleaning supplies: Avoid harsh disinfectants for cleanups near your puppy’s eating and sleeping area. Use a dilution of white vinegar and water or baking soda to remove stains. Enzyme odor neutralizers are the best choice for cleaning up accidents.

Food and water dishes: Choose stainless steel or small ceramic or cat-sized dishes. Puppies may chew plastic dishes and they are more likely to contain chemicals. Many puppies prefer eating from a flat dish. Holders are available to attach water dishes to the side of an exercise pen or crate door.

Dog bed: Choose fabrics that are durable and washable. Good choices include heavy cotton or artificial sheepskin. Pillows should have removable covers, and zippers should be recessed to prevent chewing. Avoid bedding with decorative elements like braids, ribbons, or buttons that can be chewed.

Temporary barriers: Puppies can easily slip between the bars of most baby gates, so models that are fitted with epoxy-coated wire mesh are best. Many puppies will chew plastic, so avoid plastic mesh. A height of 18 to 24 inches is sufficient.

Toys: Don’t go overboard purchasing toys until you get to know your puppy. Plush toys are safe for most puppies, but a few will tear them apart and try to eat the stuffing. Soft rubber squeaky toys are not recommended for chewers. Chew toys should be large enough to prevent the puppy from chewing off small pieces. Edible dental bones are not recommended for this reason. Chewing on extremely hard items can fracture teeth. Experiment with various chew toys and supervise carefully to determine which ones are best for your puppy.

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